Health Director
Vacant position
Jordans Principle
Jordan’s Principle Child First Initiative is a community-based initiative to develop community programs that will provide quality wholistic services with supports and resources at the community level to achieve the desired outcomes for children and their families.
The Program is intended to provide support, address gaps in services, avoid jurisdictional disputes, and improve needed care while keeping children home in their respective communities.
Manager – Alice Saunders
">Phone: 204-486-2463 Ext. 128
Assistant – Vacant Position
Phone: 204-486-2463 Ext.
Brighter Futures Initiative
The overall purpose of the Brighter Futures Initiative is to improve the quality of life, and access to culturally sensitive wellness services at the community level, and to help create healthy family and community environments.
Donna Kavafordt (Attley)
National Native Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program (NADAP)
The National Native Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program helps First Nations and Inuit communities set up and operate programs aimed at reducing high levels of alcohol, drug and solvent abuse among on-reserve populations.
The NNADAP advisor assists in providing advisory services in the field of alcoholism and other addictions, and to provide capacity building through the use of training programs. The program is to build capacity in developing and delivering culturally appropriate community-based services.
The NNADAP program promotes healthier lifestyle using traditional values, individual and family wellness values and helps strengthen links between local NNADAP programs and residential treatment programs.
The NNADAP worker works with other community resources (i.e., Awasis, Housing), and assists with other Health programs to deliver programming related to mental health, addictions, and land-based healing.
NNADAP Worker: Bernadette Neepin
Phone: 204-486-2376 Ext. 141
Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI)/Community Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)
The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative is focused on the prevention and management of diabetes, education, service delivery, and support. It also assists in the coordination of Foot Care nursing services in both communities of Fox Lake and Gillam.
The Community Prenatal Nutrition Program was designed to promote healthier nutrition to prenatal, postnatal, and breastfeeding mothers through wellness education and a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly supplement to mothers who fit the criteria for up to one-year postnatal.
ADI/CPNP Worker: Robyn Muskego
Public Health
Immunization Program, community health comes to Fox Lake twice a week to administer vaccines, boosters, provides home visits to elders and others who are unable to leave their homes due to various reasons, and provides prenatal and postpartum visits.
Public Health Nurse: Jessica Bonneteau, RN
Community Health Representative
The CHR’s role is for capacity of service delivery, support, advisory, advocacy, and liaison with the Home and Community Care and Community Health programming for the Fox Lake Cree Nation community membership.
Goals and activities are to promote healthy lifestyle choices and using a community development and population health framework.
Community Health Representative: Rhoda Wavey
Phone: 204-486-2376 ext. 137
FNIH Home & Community Care Program
The FNIHCC Program provides basic Home and Community Care services designed to be comprehensive, culturally sensitive, accessible, and equitable to that of other Canadians which respond to the unique health and social needs of First Nations and Inuit communities.
The program is a coordinated system of home and community-based health-related services that enable people with disabilities, persistent or acute illnesses, and the elderly to receive the care they require in their home communities.
Home Support Worker – Rita West
Phone: 204-486-2376 Ext. 132
Building Healthy Communities
Building Healthy Communities is intended to support the development of specialized community-based mental health treatment services, crisis intervention services and solvent abuse prevention programming.
Referral and Medical Transporation
The referral and medical transportation program coordinates ground, train, and air trasportation, accommodation and meals.
Transportation Clerk: Donna Lundie
Phone: 204-486-2376 Ext. 143
Cell: 204-652-7077
Health and Wellness Promotion Activities
The Fox Lake Health Department works as a health team to deliver programming to the community. We encourage all Fox Lake/Gillam residents to participate in our events and gatherings.

Activites include:
- Treaty Days
- Annual Christmas Party
- Kids Bingo
- Dances/Parties
- Girls Group
- Free Skate (transportation)
- Sliding Parties
- Presentations and Guest Speakers
- Family Socials
- Santa Parade
- Online Challenges
- Contests: House Decorating (Halloween, Christmas)
- Door Decorating
- Cake Decorating
- Snow Sculpting
- Street Hockey Tournaments

Support Staff
- Finance Clerk – Jocelyn Henderson
- Arnold Henderson – Medical Driver/Transportation Coordinator
- Bernadette Neepin – Relief/Casual Driver
- Jessie Henderson – Administrative Assistant
- Hilary Massan – Custodian